Quick Start#
What’s included in the box?#
When you purchase a brand new BeagleV-Fire, In the box you’ll get:
Quick-start card
For board files, 3D model, and more, you can checkout BeagleV-Fire repository on OpenBeagle.
Tethering to PC#
To connect BeagleV-Fire board to PC via USB Type C receptacle you need a USB type C cable. Connection guide for the same is shown below:
To get a USB type C cable you can checkout links below:

Fig. 547 BeagleV-Fire tethered connection#
Flashing eMMC#
Flash the latest image on eMMC#
Access UART debug console#
Some tested devices that are working good includes:
To access a BeagleV-Fire serial debug console you can connected a USB to UART to your board as shown below:

Fig. 548 BeagleV-Fire UART debug port connection#
To see the board boot log and access your BeagleV-Fire’s console you can use application like tio
to access the console. If you are using Linux your USB to UART converter may appear as /dev/ttyUSB
It will be different for Mac and Windows operatig systems. To find serial port for your system you can checkout
this guide.
[lorforlinux@fedora ~] $ tio /dev/ttyUSB0
tio v2.5
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